Tō mātou whakatūnga

Our role

We are an evidence-based health promotion organisation committed to the mahi we do. In July 2022 Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency became part of the National Public Health Service in Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.

Our key role is to lead and support health promotion initiatives to:

  • enable environments that support health, wellbeing and healthy lifestyles
  • promote health and wellbeing and encourage healthy lifestyles
  • prevent disease, illness and injury
  • provide advice and make recommendations to reduce personal, social and economic harm.

Our work

We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people who experience the greatest health challenges and inequities. This includes Māori, as tangata whenua, and other communities such as Pacific Peoples and those with a low socioeconomic status.


Insights, research and evaluation are key to every aspect of our work.

We undertake and support research and provide advice to inform our own work and the work of others. We also influence the development and implementation of policies and laws by contributing to interagency processes, making submissions to central and local government and by providing evidence-based research.

Learn more about our research 


An important part of our work is ensuring the environments where New Zealanders live, work, learn, support and promote health and wellbeing. Our ability to do this is greatly extended by working with others.

We connect with communities to help them develop local solutions to local problems. By providing advice, resources and tools to a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations we help them to promote good health in their own community.

Learn more about our programmes


For New Zealanders to lead healthier lives, individuals and families need to be aware, motivated and able to improve and protect their own and their family’s health and wellbeing.

Our works draws on the voices of those with lived experience  to inform our approaches aimed at achieving behaviour change. Promoting health and wellbeing, working with communities and communicating health messages to priority audiences are major parts of the mahi we do. 

Learn more about our work here