Support for older people in Manawatū-Whanganui

Local services providing care for older people in Manawatū-Whanganui. These include Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) agencies, Meals on Wheels and nursing.

Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) agencies

The Needs Assessment Service assesses the needs of people who struggle with daily activities because of age, a health condition or disability. The goal of the needs assessment is to help people maximise their independence.

Needs Assessment Service (internal link)

NASC agencies organise help to stay at home, support services for carers and entry into residential care.

Needs Assessment and Service Coordination — Manawatū-Whanganui


To request a referral for a needs assessment contact Supportlinks.

Supportlinks service area includes: Palmerston North, Dannevirke, Feilding, Foxton, Himatangi, Levin, Otaki and Pahiatua.


To request a referral for a needs assessment contact the Community Assessment and Rehabilitation Team at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Whanganui.

Older people's health service — Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Whanganui (external link)

The contact agency for service coordination in Whanganui is Your Way | Kia Roha. After completing a needs assessment, a community facilitator from Your Way | Kia Roha will contact you to discuss your needs and the potential support options. 

Connections and  Funding — Your Way | Kia Roha (external link)

Short and long term residential care in Manawatū-Whanganui

All residential care facilities in Manawatū-Whanganui offer short term and respite care to give older people and their carers a short break.

If your needs cannot be supported at home and you are considering residential care, you will require a needs assessment.

The Residential Care Subsidy can help with the cost of care. Find out more at Work and Income.

Residential Care Subsidy — Work and Income (external link)

Information about all Manawatū-Whanganui residential care facilities and their latest audit reports can be found at the Ministry of Health.

Rest homes — Ministry of Health (external link)

Choose your residential care — New Zealand Government (external link)

Eldernet also provides an extensive and trusted directory of services related to older people, including a database of community groups, organisations, home services, rest homes and retirement villages.

Eldernet (external link)

A range of other residential options for buying or renting are also offered by Manawatū-Whanganui residential providers.

Other services for older people

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a support service that prepares and delivers a subsidised hot midday meal.

Meals on Wheels (internal link)

You usually need to be referred to the service by a healthcare provider.

The Citizens Advice Bureau has contact details for Meals on Wheels services in each region.

Meals on Wheels community directory — Citizens Advice Bureau (external link) 

District nursing


To contact district nursing services:


To contact district nursing services:

Shuttle services


Details of shuttle services are available from Palmerston North Hospital | Hōhipera o Papaioea.

Palmerston North Hospital | Hōhipera o Papaioea (internal link)


Hato Hone St John Whanganui runs a shuttle service on weekdays for people needing to attend appointments at Palmerston North Hospital.

The service covers Whanganui City to Palmerston North City. It runs weekdays as required.

Book as soon as you know your appointment time:

  • freephone 0800 266 547 between 9:30am and 3pm, at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Donations are welcome.